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Keep Calm, There's A Golden Girl's Cookbook Coming Out

Update: August 20, 2020

The book is coming out soon! Set to be released in September, you can now pre-order the book on Amazon.

The original article continues below:

Our favorite Miami ladies are back at it again, and this time they are finally releasing the secret of their cheesecakes in a brand new Golden Girls Cookbook. While Golden Girls aired almost 33 years ago (Wow!), their spunk and girlfriend spirit still lives on to this day on daily re-runs and on hot sauce bottles. And now you can banter in the kitchen just like Sophia, Blanche, Dorothy, and Rose while eating some of their favorite treats.

The Golden Girls cookbook is slated to hit bookstore shelves in 2020 under Kingswell, an imprint of Disney Publishing. While we do not know exactly what recipes are in the cookbook, Babble has shared one recipe that is included in the book for Double Fudge Chocolate Cheesecake. Packed with chocolate wafer cookies and over three pounds of cream cheese, this cake is set to solve any problem. Get the recipe here.

According to Mental Floss, the four friends enjoyed over 100 cheesecakes during the entire series. The cheesecakes were always different. Sometimes they were plain New York style, other times it was lemon or even Sophia's special double fudge amaretto ricotta cheesecake. Whatever the flavor, the ladies took to the dairy-heavy cake to solve some of their toughest problems. 

This cookbook isn't the only food-related thing the Golden Girls have been featured with recently. Last year the Rue La Rue Cafe in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan was opened as a tribute to the four friends. The owner, son of actress Rue McLanahan and Michael J. LaRue, adorned the walls with genuine relics from the show including the same banana leaf wallpaper Blanche had in her bedroom and McClanahan's shoes she wore on the pilot of Golden Girls.

The menu includes show favorites like Genügenflürgen cake and lasagna al forno along with heaping amounts of cheesecake. It's the perfect place to get your Golden Girl's cheesecake fix before the cookbook comes out.

Watch: How To Make Marbled 'Golden Girls' Coasters.